
Quora Questions With Most Followers

If I have a question, I'll likely turn to three reputable sources.

My mom, Google, and Quora (in that order).

Quora is one of the largest question-and-answer websites where visitors can gain quality insights, share their expertise, and find valuable answers for pretty much any topic.

This makes it a perfect platform for entrepreneurs and content creators to share their knowledge and expertise, drive traffic to a website or blog, and generate high-quality leads.

"All I have to do is answer questions in order to generate leads? Well, sign me up!"

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not that easy.

The key to marketing on a platform like Quora is to provide value to other users.

In this two-part series, I'm sharing our best Quora growth tactics to help you attract high-quality leads.

And given we're talking about a Q&A platform, I thought it would be fitting to present these growth hacks as answers to three questions:

  • How do I optimize my Quora profile?
  • How do I find the right topics and questions on Quora?
  • How do I answer questions on Quora?

Let's jump right in!

How do I optimize my Quora profile?

Optimizing your Quora profile page is essential to building a reputation as a reputable source of knowledge. However, unlike other social media platforms, Quora's profile pages allow users to share a lot more information about their professional qualifications. These tips will show you how to optimize every element on your profile page.

Edit Your Credentials

On Quora, your credentials are the 50-character taglines that appear directly under your name on your profile. As a best practice, you should include your current job title and brand name in your credentials to build legitimacy.

However, I've also seen some of the popular Quora profiles include information about their years of experience (i.e. "Digital Marketer with 20 years of experience…"), social proof (i.e. "Published in Time, Inc., & Entrepreneur Magazine."), or industry keywords (i.e. "Expert in SEO & SEM. Google AdWords certified."

Editing Your Quora Credentials

Pro Tip: You can have multiple credentials on Quora, which comes in handy if you're interested in sharing knowledge about different topics.

For instance, if I want to answer the question: "What is the best way to get to Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn?", my credential as a Content Marketing Strategist isn't really relevant.

Instead, I can switch my credentials to: "Lives in New York City, 2015 – Present". This reassures readers know that I can provide a legitimate answer to this question because I've lived in the city for three years.

To edit these credentials, click the Edit button next to the Credentials & Highlights section (located on the right-hand side of your profile).

Quora Credentials and Highlights

Then, add your credentials to include places you've studied, locations, languages, and topics.

How to Add a Credential On Quora

Write a Clear, Concise Bio & Add Links To Your Website/Blog & Published Content

The second most important element of your profile page is your bio. In this section, you should clearly and concisely explain who you are and what you do.

But that's not all!

As far as I can tell, Quora doesn't have a word limit on your bio, so you can use this space to include a call to action (i.e. "Grab my eBook" "Take My Online Course"), add social proof ("My work has been featured in Inc., Mashable, etc." "My work has earned over 10 million views…",) include a banner image or brand logo, and links to your other content, including blog posts and answered Quora questions.

However, be mindful of mobile users and keep your bio to a reasonable length. Moreover, on mobile devices, only the first three lines of your bio are visible before the "Read More" prompt, so make those 3 lines catchy and engaging.

Here's a great example from CrazyEgg founder Neil Patel's profile bio:

Neil Patel's Quora Profile Bio

Edit The "Knows About" Section

The next section you should customize is the "Knows About" section, located under the "Credentials & Highlights" section. This is the portion of your bio where you can list topics you're knowledgeable in. You can list as many topics as you want, but Quora will only display the 5 topics where you've contributed the most answers.

Editing Quora's "Knows About"Section

How do I find the right topics and questions on Quora?

With an optimized Quora profile, you can get the ball rolling on searching for relevant topics and questions to answer. Here are tactics to help you find the best traffic-generating topics and relevant questions.

Conduct Keyword Research

Begin by conducting keyword research to find primary and secondary (aka related) keywords. As an example, if I'm an entrepreneur who wants to share my extensive knowledge about Artificial Intelligence, my primary keyword is likely to be "Artificial Intelligence", and secondary keywords could be "AI", "machine learning", or "robotics".

I recommend using Google's Keyword Research tool or Ubersuggest to find new keywords and get search volume data.

After you've determined a primary keyword to target, use the keyword research tool Answer The Public to find frequently asked questions related to your keyword that you'll likely find on Quora. In this case, if I'm looking for questions about Artificial Intelligence, here's a quick look at what Answer The Public displays:

Keyword research tool Answer The Public

Answer The Public will show me search queries in the form of questions (i.e. who, what, when, etc.), prepositions (i.e. is, without, to, can), and comparisons (i.e. versus, like, or, etc.).

Search for Topics Using Quora's Search Bar

After you've rounded up 2-3 primary keywords, the easiest way to find popular topics is to use Quora's search bar. Simply type in your keyword, and Quora will display the most popular topics containing your keyword.

Searching for Quora Topics

But, what if I'm looking for topics in B2B marketing? Unfortunately, Quora doesn't display all of the topics containing your keyword.

One way to find a topic that isn't displayed is to first click on the first result, which is Search: [Your Keyword]. This will take you to a search results page with additional filters.

Search Filters in Quora

To see additional topics containing your keyword, go to By Type filter in the menu on the left and click Topics. This will take you to another search results page that displays additional topics containing your keyword!

Search for Quora Topics by Type

You can also skip these steps altogether by simply entering a secondary keyword into Quora's search bar.

Search for Questions Using Quora's Search Bar

Use Quora's search bar to also find a specific question or questions that are closely related. Let's say I want to answer the question, "What is B2B marketing?" All I have to do is enter that question into the search bar and select the best result.

Search Questions in Quora

Like topics, Quora doesn't display every question related to your search query. However, a great feature Quora has is displaying related questions on the same page as some answers.

In this case, when I answer a question on "What is B2B marketing?", I can view other questions I'd likely be qualified to answer on the right side of my screen.

Related Quora Questions

Alternatively, you can follow the same process outlined in the previous section, where you use the additional filters on the search results page to find relevant questions.

New Way to Find Quora Questions

Identify Quora Topics With The Greatest Potential

When you're looking for the right topics to follow, here are a few green flags you should look for:

  • A profile photo of the topic.
  • An answer in the topic that was added recently
  • A filled-out "About" Section
  • A high number of questions
  • A high number of followers
  • A high number of edits (shows the topic is active and up-to-date).
  • Topic has a dedicated FAQ Page
  • Topic lists the most viewed writers

Elements of a good Quora question

Find Relevant Questions via Google Search

Another way to find highly-trafficked Quora questions is to find questions ranking organically on the first page of Google search results. The best way to find relevant Quora questions in Google searches is to enter a search query in the form of a question related to your keyword. Don't forget that you can use the keyword research tool Answer The Public to generate a comprehensive list of frequently searched questions related to your keyword.

Quora Answer in Google Search

Photo Credit: BigCommerce

That's it for today! Continue to read Quora Growth Hacks (Part 2), which covers how to answer Quora questions that will generate web traffic and high-quality leads.

Quora Questions With Most Followers


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